Player representation by leagues, including second-level leagues – FIFA World Cup 2018

The table shows player representation by leagues  at the FIFA World Cup (including second-level leagues). Countries with no names of leagues are represented only by the highest-level league players.

Player representation by leagues at the FIFA World Cup

FWC Russia 2018 players by leagues including 38 players from the lower -level leagues

Player representation by leagues including the 2nd level - FIFA World Cup 2018
June 14, 2018
CountryLeagueNo. of players from the country league systemNo. of players from the leagues
1ENG 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿129
1.1Premier LeagueENG1105
1.2EFL ChampionshipENG223
1.3EFL League OneENG31
2ESP 🇪🇸81
2.1La LigaESP180
3GER 🇩🇪67
3.22. BundesligaGER25
4ITA 🇮🇹58
5FRA 🇫🇷49
5.1Ligue 1FRA147
5.2Ligue 2FRA22
6RUS 🇷🇺36
7KSA 🇸🇦30
8MEX 🇲🇽23
8.1Liga MXMEX122
8.2Ascenso MXMEX21
9TUR 🇹🇷22
9.1Süper LigTUR121
9.21. LigTUR21
10USA 🇺🇸19
11POR 🇵🇹18
12BEL 🇧🇪17
12.1Division 1A Pro LeagueBEL116
12.2Division 1-BBEL21
13NED 🇳🇱15
14JPN 🇯🇵15
15KOR 🇰🇷13
15.1K리그 클래식KOR111
16EGY 🇪🇬10
17IRN 🇮🇷9
18BRA 🇧🇷9
19ARG 🇦🇷9
20DEN 🇩🇰8
20.21. DivisionDEN21
21CHN 🇨🇳8
22SCO 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿7
23CRC 🇨🇷7
24TUN 🇹🇳6
25PER 🇵🇪6
26COL 🇨🇴6
27GRE 🇬🇷5
28SUI 🇨🇭4
29POL 🇵🇱4
30UKR 🇺🇦3
31SWE 🇸🇪3
32SRB 🇷🇸3
33PAN 🇵🇦3
34CRO 🇭🇷3
35AUS 🇦🇺3
36URU 🇺🇾2
37UAE 🇦🇪2
38QAT 🇶🇦2
39MAR 🇲🇦2
40ISR 🇮🇱2
41GUA 🇬🇹2
42CHI 🇨🇱2
43BUL 🇧🇬2
44AUT 🇦🇹2
45SVK 🇸🇰1
46RSA 🇿🇦1
47ROU 🇷🇴1
48PAR 🇵🇾1
49NOR 🇳🇴1
50NGA 🇳🇬1
51ISL 🇮🇸1
52HON 🇭🇳1
53GUI 🇬🇳1
54FIN 🇫🇮1