Leagues & Clubs Ranking (ELO AFC)
Performance Ranking of Asian leagues and clubs in international matches (ELO Method)
AFC Ranking (Official)
Country Associations Ranking
AFC Competitions
Champions League, AFC Cup …
Global Leagues Ranking
the KA Football Leagues Global Rating (find season rating page – full data table & select AFC or OFC)
Global Club Ranking
the KA Football Club Global Rating
Middle East AFC
Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar …
South & East Asia
China, Japan, Korea …
Australia & Oceania
Australia, New Zealand. New Caledonia …
AFC Asian Cup Statistic Report (AFC Asia Cup UAE 2019) presents data on the leagues and clubs participated in the tournament
FIFA World Ranking
FIFA National Teams Ranking (select AFC or OFC)
Leagues & Clubs Ranking (ELO OFC)
Performance Ranking of Oceania leagues and clubs in international matches (ELO Method)
OFC Champions League
Oceania Club Championship