December 4Q 2024 OFC Ranking (Oceania)

OFC Champions League – the KA Leagues & Club Rankings of Oceania set for the 4th quarter of 2024

OFC Champions League

the KA Leagues & Club Rankings, set for December 19, 2024

the KA Leagues Ranking

4Q 2024 Performance ranking of leagues from Oceania, based on OFC club competitions – derived ELO method

December 19, 2024
League (s)ClubsClubsPtsRPS_PIFex pos.diff.Zone/Region
1New ZealandNZL🇳🇿

world leagues ranking


world leagues ranking


world leagues ranking

4New CaledoniaNCL🇳🇨

world leagues ranking

5Papua New GuineaPNG🇵🇬

world leagues ranking

6Solomon IslandsSOL🇸🇧

world leagues ranking


world leagues ranking


world leagues ranking

9Cook IslandsCOK🇨🇰

world leagues ranking


world leagues ranking

11American SamoaASA🇦🇸

world leagues ranking


Club Ranking ↓

Meaning of the continental ranking versus global ranking
Ocenia OFC Football (Soccer) Ranking solely depict the position of a league or club based on international cups, like the Champions League. These rankings are highly technical in nature. For a more precise evaluation of football strength and quality, you should refer to the KA Football Leagues Global Rating or the KA Football Club Global Rating.

Global rankings differ from continental rankings by considering more factors.

A global league rating takes into account the level of attractiveness and reputation of a league, as measured by the number of players from that league who feature in top national teams (AIF), regardless of the performance of clubs in international competitions. Furthermore, we consider a nation’s general football reputation, evaluated through national team historical results and the most esteemed individual football awards (NFRI).

The global club ranking exhibits a greater disparity from the continental ranking. It considers additionally a club’s standing in domestic league competitions in tandem with the global rating of league. As a result, clubs playing in highly ranked leagues but rarely participating in continental competitions may also feature in the global club rankings, occasionally achieving respectable positions.
ELO OFC – Leagues & Clubs Performance Rankings
Clubs earn points for match results under the ELO method scheme.

Points are determined based on the relative strength of each opponent, with the expected score factor calculated first. A point value is then determined using factors specific to the match, including the match importance, score, and goal difference, which either increase or decrease the base value.

Each of the continental rankings covers international matches arranged or recognized by FIFA or the continental federation.

For Oceania, this includes the OFC Champions League as well as the FIFA Intercontinental Cup and FIFA Club World Cup.
OFC Members
The ranking in general includes all OFC members, including non-FIFA associated countries. However, not all OFC members are listed in the country ranking according to club football performance.

Some clubs from Oceania do not compete in any international competitions at all, and some compete very rarely.

Being ranked therefore demands clubs activity in the area of international competitions. Whereby it is not sufficient to have points by a club picked up in any past time.

The classic ELO method assigns points to a base value, either adding or subtracting them. However, this distorts the evaluation of a club when they do not play matches, as its ranking value remains constant. 

Therefore, in the KA system, we utilise an additional depreciation algorithm in ELO rankings. This algorithm gradually reduces the point value of a club that does not play matches. 

As a result, such a club after some time acquires a zero or negative value and drops out of the ranking. This can impact the national league’s total score, leading to some countries not being displayed in the ranking table.
the Ranking Points, RPS and IC3
Ranking points (ELO points) are calculated according to the ELO method. In terms of leagues, these points are derived from the values obtained by clubs. The tables also show values labeled RPS_PIF and IC3.

RPS (Relative Point Score) is a value obtained by converting ELO points acquired in a ranking according to the same formula used throughout the KA system. This practice enables the comparison of values from different continental rankings.

Each RPS assigned to a certain league is multiplied by PIF (Power Index Federation), which allows for the determination of the KA Football Leagues Global Rating. RPS_PIF combination can be also used for clubs to enable the comparison of club values from different continental rankings.

The Inter-Continental Club Coefficient (IC3) is solely dedicated to clubs and is determined by their continental ranking points, taking into consideration the PIF (Power Index Federation) of the continent, as well as the AIF value. It is a crucial indicator for determining the KA Football Club Global Rating.

Leagues Ranking ↑

the KA Club Ranking

4Q 2024 Performance ranking of clubs from Oceania, based on OFC club competitions – ELO method

December 19, 2024
1Auckland CityNZL 🇳🇿

world leagues ranking

2MagentaNCL 🇳🇨

world leagues ranking

3PiraeTAH 🇵🇫

world leagues ranking

4RewaFIJ 🇫🇯

world leagues ranking

5SuvaFIJ 🇫🇯

world leagues ranking

6VénusTAH 🇵🇫

world leagues ranking

7Solomon WarriorsSOL 🇸🇧

world leagues ranking

8Lae CityPNG 🇵🇬

world leagues ranking

9Hekari UnitedPNG 🇵🇬

world leagues ranking

10Hienghène SportNCL 🇳🇨

world leagues ranking

11Ifira Black BirdVAN 🇻🇺

world leagues ranking

12Central CoastSOL 🇸🇧

world leagues ranking

13LautokaFIJ 🇫🇯

world leagues ranking

14Henderson Eels FCSOL 🇸🇧

world leagues ranking

15ABM GalaxyVAN 🇻🇺

world leagues ranking

16BaFIJ 🇫🇯

world leagues ranking

17Vaivase-TaiSAM 🇼🇸

world leagues ranking

18Eastern SuburbsNZL 🇳🇿

world leagues ranking

19Tupapa MaraerengaCOK 🇨🇰

world leagues ranking

20VeitongoTGA 🇹🇴

world leagues ranking

21GaïtchaNCL 🇳🇨

world leagues ranking

22TefanaTAH 🇵🇫

world leagues ranking

23Classic FCVAN 🇻🇺

world leagues ranking

24Wellington OlympicNZL 🇳🇿

world leagues ranking

25Southern StrikersPNG 🇵🇬

world leagues ranking

26Central SportTAH 🇵🇫

world leagues ranking

27Vaiala TonganASA 🇦🇸

world leagues ranking


Final OFC Champions League 2024

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