4Q December 2024 CAF Ranking

CAF Africa – the KA Leagues & Club Rankings – December 2024

ELO Ranking – African Club Competitions & Matches

the KA Leagues & Club Rankings, set for December 22, 2024

the KA Leagues Ranking

Performance ranking of African leagues, based on CAF club competitions – derived ELO method

December 22, 2024
League (s)ClubsClubsPtsRPS_PIFex pos.diff.Zone/Region

world leagues ranking

47,07161,4311Africa North

world leagues ranking

31,11740,6102Africa North

world leagues ranking

23,32230,4373Africa North

world leagues ranking

19,52425,48014+10Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

19,49325,4405Africa North
6South AfricaRSA🇿🇦

world leagues ranking

18,48324,1224-2Africa Sub-Saharan
7Congo DRCOD🇨🇩

world leagues ranking

18,46024,0926-1Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

16,22221,1717-1Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

12,53116,3548-1Africa Sub-Saharan
10Côte d'IvoireCIV🇨🇮

world leagues ranking

9,22412,03810Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

6,3808,32611Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

5,0276,56112Africa North

world leagues ranking

4,3555,68413Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

2,7403,57616+2Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

2,6403,44517+2Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

2,3763,10119+3Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

2,1542,81115-2Africa Sub-Saharan
18Burkina FasoBFA🇧🇫

world leagues ranking

1,5372,00618Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

1,2951,69027+8Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

1,1851,54620Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,9751,27221Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,9061,18223+1Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,8971,17124+1Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,8641,12822-2Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,8611,12425Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,8501,10928+2Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,5030,65626-1Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,4860,63430+2Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,3790,49533+4Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,3590,46931+1Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,3550,46332+1Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,2730,35629-3Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,2150,2819-24Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,1610,21034Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,1420,18536+1Africa Sub-Saharan
36South SudanSSD🇸🇸

world leagues ranking

0,1310,17137+1Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,1210,15838+1Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,1140,14935-3Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,1140,14939Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,1050,13740Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,0830,10843+2Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,0800,10442Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,0760,09944+1Africa Sub-Saharan
44Equatorial GuineaEQG🇬🇶

world leagues ranking

0,0610,08045+1Africa Sub-Saharan

world leagues ranking

0,0500,06546+1Africa Sub-Saharan
46Central African RepublicCTA🇨🇫

world leagues ranking

0,0490,06441-5Africa Sub-Saharan
47Sierra LeoneSLE🇸🇱

world leagues ranking

0,0470,06147Africa Sub-Saharan

Club Ranking ↓

Meaning of the continental ranking versus global ranking
The African continental rankings (ELO Ranking CAF), solely depict the position of a league or club based on international cups, like the Champions League. These rankings are highly technical in nature. For a more precise evaluation of football strength and quality, you should refer to the KA Football Leagues Global Rating or the KA Football Club Global Rating.

Global rankings differ from continental rankings by considering more factors.

A global league rating takes into account the level of attractiveness and reputation of a league, as measured by the number of players from that league who feature in top national teams (AIF), regardless of the performance of clubs in international competitions. Furthermore, we consider a nation’s general football reputation, evaluated through national team historical results and the most esteemed individual football awards (NFRI).

The global club ranking exhibits a greater disparity from the continental ranking. It considers additionally a club’s standing in domestic league competitions in tandem with the global rating of league. As a result, clubs playing in highly ranked leagues but rarely participating in continental competitions may also feature in the global club rankings, occasionally achieving respectable positions.
ELO CAF – Leagues & Clubs Performance Rankings
Clubs earn points for match results under the ELO method scheme.

Points are determined based on the relative strength of each opponent, with the expected score factor calculated first. A point value is then determined using factors specific to the match, including the match importance, score, and goal difference, which either increase or decrease the base value.

Each of the continental ELO ranking covers international matches arranged or recognized by FIFA or the continental confederation. For Africa, this includes the Champions League, CAF Confederation Cup, CAF Super Cup as well as the FIFA Club World Cup, FIFA Intercontinental Cup, the Arab Club Champions Cup, CECAFA Kagame Interclub Cup, African Football League and possibly also other regional associations’ cups.
CAF MembersDepreciation Algorithm
The classic ELO method assigns points to a base value, either adding or subtracting them. However, this distorts the evaluation of a club when they do not play matches, as its ranking value remains constant. 

Therefore, in the KA system, we utilise an additional depreciation algorithm in ELO rankings. This algorithm gradually reduces the point value of a club that does not play matches. 

As a result, such a club after some time acquires a zero or negative value and drops out of the ranking. This can impact the national league’s total score, leading to some countries not being displayed in the ranking table.
the Ranking Points, RPS and IC3
Ranking points (ELO points) are calculated according to the ELO method. In terms of leagues, these points are derived from the values obtained by clubs. The tables also show values labeled RPS_PIF and IC3.

RPS (Relative Point Score) is a value obtained by converting ELO points acquired in a ranking according to the same formula used throughout the KA system. This practice enables the comparison of values from different continental rankings. Each RPS assigned to a certain league is multiplied by PIF (Power Index Federation), which allows for the determination of the KA Football Leagues Global Rating.

The Inter-Continental Club Coefficient (IC3) is solely dedicated to clubs and is determined by their continental ranking points, taking into consideration the PIF (Power Index Federation) of the continent, as well as the AIF value. It is a crucial indicator for determining the KA Football Club Global Rating.

Leagues Ranking ↑

the KA Club Ranking

4Q 2024 Performance ranking of African clubs, based on CAF club competitions – ELO method

December 22, 2024
1Al-Ahly SCEGY 🇪🇬

world leagues ranking

EGY80,8601,048CAF North Africa
2Espérance STTUN 🇹🇳

world leagues ranking

TUN61,6680,701CAF North Africa
3Mamelodi SundownsRSA 🇿🇦

world leagues ranking

RSA60,1460,685CAF Southern Africa
4Wydad CasablancaMAR 🇲🇦

world leagues ranking

MAR50,7430,577CAF North Africa
5TP MazembeCOD 🇨🇩

world leagues ranking

COD41,8120,475CAF Central Africa
6ZamalekEGY 🇪🇬

world leagues ranking

EGY39,3380,447+1CAF North Africa
7Raja CasablancaMAR 🇲🇦

world leagues ranking

MAR37,5470,427-1CAF North Africa
8Al Hilal OmdurmanSDN 🇸🇩

world leagues ranking

MTN35,6050,415+2CAF East Africa
9SimbaTAN 🇹🇿

world leagues ranking

TAN34,5120,415-1CAF East Africa
10Petro LuandaANG 🇦🇴

world leagues ranking

ANG34,1580,416-1CAF Southern Africa
11RS BerkaneMAR 🇲🇦

world leagues ranking

MAR31,2440,415+1CAF North Africa
12CR BélouizdadALG 🇩🇿

world leagues ranking

ALG31,2180,415-1CAF North Africa
13ASEC MimosasCIV 🇨🇮

world leagues ranking

CIV27,0000,415CAF West Africa
14Pyramids FCEGY 🇪🇬

world leagues ranking

EGY25,6770,416+1CAF North Africa
15Young AfricansTAN 🇹🇿

world leagues ranking

TAN23,5610,416-1CAF East Africa
16USM AlgerALG 🇩🇿

world leagues ranking

ALG22,5400,415+1CAF North Africa
17Étoile du SahelTUN 🇹🇳

world leagues ranking

TUN21,4800,415-1CAF North Africa
18Horoya ACGUI 🇬🇳

world leagues ranking

GUI17,1990,415CAF West Africa
19Orlando PiratesRSA 🇿🇦

world leagues ranking

RSA15,0640,416+4CAF Southern Africa
20Al-Ahli TripoliLBY 🇱🇾

world leagues ranking

LBY12,3180,415+1CAF North Africa
21Jeunesse Sportive de KabylieALG 🇩🇿

world leagues ranking

ALG12,1160,415-2CAF North Africa
22CS SfaxienTUN 🇹🇳

world leagues ranking

TUN12,0830,415-2CAF North Africa
23AS Vita ClubCOD 🇨🇩

world leagues ranking

COD11,0990,415-1CAF Central Africa
24FC NouadhibouMTN 🇲🇷

world leagues ranking

MTN9,9100,415CAF West Africa

world leagues ranking

MAR9,6210,415+12CAF North Africa
26Rivers UnitedNGA 🇳🇬

world leagues ranking

NGA9,6110,415-1CAF West Africa
27Al-MerreikhSDN 🇸🇩

world leagues ranking

MTN8,9870,415-1CAF East Africa
28AS Maniema UnionCOD 🇨🇩

world leagues ranking

COD8,8260,415+4CAF Central Africa
29MedeamaGHA 🇬🇭

world leagues ranking

GHA7,5780,415CAF West Africa
30ES SétifALG 🇩🇿

world leagues ranking

ALG7,5060,415-3CAF North Africa
31Primeiro de AgostoANG 🇦🇴

world leagues ranking

ANG7,2300,415-3CAF Southern Africa
32Al-Masry SCEGY 🇪🇬

world leagues ranking

EGY6,4300,415-1CAF North Africa
33MC AlgerALG 🇩🇿

world leagues ranking

ALG6,3300,415+15CAF North Africa
34Coton SportCMR 🇨🇲

world leagues ranking

CMR5,7070,415-4CAF Central Africa
35Future CairoEGY 🇪🇬

world leagues ranking

EGY5,0860,415-1CAF North Africa
36CS ConstantineALG 🇩🇿

world leagues ranking

ALG4,7060,415+21CAF North Africa
37US MonastirTUN 🇹🇳

world leagues ranking

TUN4,6810,415-2CAF North Africa
38Bravos do MaquisANG 🇦🇴

world leagues ranking

ANG4,5320,415+13CAF Southern Africa
39Stellenbosch FCRSA 🇿🇦

world leagues ranking

RSA4,5040,415-6CAF Southern Africa
40Jwaneng GalaxyBOT 🇧🇼

world leagues ranking

BOT4,1220,415-2CAF Southern Africa
41Sagrada EsperançaANG 🇦🇴

world leagues ranking

ANG4,1100,415+1CAF Southern Africa
42Stade TunisienTUN 🇹🇳

world leagues ranking

TUN3,8130,415-6CAF North Africa
43Stade MalienMLI 🇲🇱

world leagues ranking

MLI3,6600,415+4CAF West Africa
44Black BullsMOZ 🇲🇿

world leagues ranking

MOZ3,5390,415+21CAF Southern Africa
45DjolibaMLI 🇲🇱

world leagues ranking

MLI3,4450,415+4CAF West Africa
46Stade d'AbidjanCIV 🇨🇮

world leagues ranking

CIV3,4260,415+13CAF West Africa
47DreamsGHA 🇬🇭

world leagues ranking

GHA3,2670,415-4CAF West Africa
48Al-Hilal BenghaziLBY 🇱🇾

world leagues ranking

LBY3,1440,415-3CAF North Africa
49SamartexGHA 🇬🇭

world leagues ranking

GHA3,0710,415-9CAF West Africa
50ASC JaraafSEN 🇸🇳

world leagues ranking

SEN2,8840,415+4CAF West Africa
51Abu Salim SCLBY 🇱🇾

world leagues ranking

LBY2,6390,415+2CAF North Africa
52Sekhukhune UnitedRSA 🇿🇦

world leagues ranking

RSA2,5960,415+3CAF Southern Africa
53Orapa UnitedBOT 🇧🇼

world leagues ranking

BOT2,5520,415+16CAF Southern Africa
54HafiaGUI 🇬🇳

world leagues ranking

GUI2,5230,415-13CAF West Africa
55Douanes OuagadougouBFA 🇧🇫

world leagues ranking

BFA2,4820,415-9CAF West Africa
56EnyimbaNGA 🇳🇬

world leagues ranking

NGA2,3280,415-17CAF West Africa
57Club AfricainTUN 🇹🇳

world leagues ranking

TUN2,2980,415+1CAF North Africa
58Gor MahiaKEN 🇰🇪

world leagues ranking

KEN2,2890,415-8CAF East Africa
59FC San-PédroCIV 🇨🇮

world leagues ranking

CIV2,1840,415-7CAF West Africa
60Union de TouargaMAR 🇲🇦

world leagues ranking

MAR2,1210,415-16CAF North Africa
61ASC KaraTOG 🇹🇬

world leagues ranking

TOG1,9330,415-5CAF West Africa

world leagues ranking

RWA1,6440,415-1CAF East Africa
63Lunda SulANG 🇦🇴

world leagues ranking

ANG1,6420,415-3CAF Southern Africa
64PaynesvilleLBR 🇱🇷

world leagues ranking

LBR1,5840,415-2CAF West Africa
65SuperSport UnitedRSA 🇿🇦

world leagues ranking

RSA1,4330,415+5CAF Southern Africa
66MiloGUI 🇬🇳

world leagues ranking

GUI1,4110,415-3CAF West Africa
67Red ArrowsZAM 🇿🇲

world leagues ranking

ZAM1,3810,415-3CAF Southern Africa
68Mbabane SwallowsSWZ 🇸🇿

world leagues ranking

SWZ1,2960,415-1CAF Southern Africa
69Diables NoirsCGO 🇨🇬

world leagues ranking

CGO1,2400,415+6CAF Central Africa
70RukinzoBDI 🇧🇮

world leagues ranking

BDI1,0650,415+1CAF East Africa
71Kenya Police FCKEN 🇰🇪

world leagues ranking

KEN1,0380,415+1CAF East Africa
72Étoile FilanteBFA 🇧🇫

world leagues ranking

BFA1,0150,415+6CAF West Africa
73Enugu RangersNGA 🇳🇬

world leagues ranking

NGA0,9580,415CAF West Africa
74OtohôCGO 🇨🇬

world leagues ranking

CGO0,9580,415CAF Central Africa
75Al-Nasr SC BenghaziLBY 🇱🇾

world leagues ranking

LBY0,9430,415-9CAF North Africa
76DekedahaSOM 🇸🇴

world leagues ranking

SOM0,9080,415CAF East Africa
77Racing Club AbidjanCIV 🇨🇮

world leagues ranking

CIV0,9060,415CAF West Africa
78DadjeBEN 🇧🇯

world leagues ranking

BEN0,8120,415+1CAF West Africa
79DynamosZIM 🇿🇼

world leagues ranking

ZIM0,7410,415+1CAF Southern Africa
80Académica do LobitoANG 🇦🇴

world leagues ranking

ANG0,7180,415+8CAF Southern Africa

world leagues ranking

ETH0,6720,415+3CAF East Africa
82NsoatremanGHA 🇬🇭

world leagues ranking

GHA0,5990,415+4CAF West Africa
83Hay Al-WadiSDN 🇸🇩

world leagues ranking

SDN0,4900,415-15CAF East Africa
84Ngezi PlatinumZIM 🇿🇼

world leagues ranking

ZIM0,4030,415-1CAF Southern Africa
85TeunguethSEN 🇸🇳

world leagues ranking

SEN0,3670,415CAF West Africa
86El-Kanemi WarriorsNGA 🇳🇬

world leagues ranking

NGA0,3050,415+1CAF West Africa
87FUS RabatMAR 🇲🇦

world leagues ranking

MAR0,2860,415-5CAF North Africa
88Al-Ahly BenghaziLBY 🇱🇾

world leagues ranking

LBY0,2680,415+15CAF North Africa
89Coastal UnionTAN 🇹🇿

world leagues ranking

TAN0,2540,415CAF East Africa
90US ZilimadjouCOM 🇰🇲

world leagues ranking

COM0,2510,415CAF Southern Africa
91El Merriekh BentiuSSD 🇸🇸

world leagues ranking

SSD0,2460,415CAF East Africa
92AS ArtaDJI 🇩🇯

world leagues ranking

DJI0,2420,415CAF East Africa
93Disciples FCMAD 🇲🇬

world leagues ranking

MAD0,2330,415CAF Southern Africa
94Ferroviário da BeiraMOZ 🇲🇿

world leagues ranking

MOZ0,2310,415CAF Southern Africa
95AC LéopardsCGO 🇨🇬

world leagues ranking

CGO0,2290,415CAF Central Africa
96SC VillaUGA 🇺🇬

world leagues ranking

UGA0,2230,415CAF East Africa
97Ethiopian CoffeeETH 🇪🇹

world leagues ranking

ETH0,2170,415CAF East Africa

world leagues ranking

NIG0,2130,415CAF West Africa
99Victoria UnitedCMR 🇨🇲

world leagues ranking

CMR0,2070,415CAF Central Africa
100African StarsNAM 🇳🇦

world leagues ranking

NAM0,2000,415CAF Southern Africa
101Coton FC OuidahBEN 🇧🇯

world leagues ranking

BEN0,1840,415+3CAF West Africa
102UhamiajiZAN 🇹🇿

world leagues ranking

ZAN0,1680,415+3CAF East Africa
103KitaraUGA 🇺🇬

world leagues ranking

UGA0,1610,415+3CAF East Africa
104Horseed FCSOM 🇸🇴

world leagues ranking

SOM0,1570,415+3CAF East Africa
105ForestersSEY 🇸🇨

world leagues ranking

SEY0,1540,415+3CAF Southern Africa
106Motema PembeCOD 🇨🇩

world leagues ranking

COD0,1460,415-25CAF Central Africa
107Fovu ClubCMR 🇨🇲

world leagues ranking

CMR0,1340,415+4CAF Central Africa
108Elgeco PlusMAD 🇲🇬

world leagues ranking

MAD0,1340,415+2CAF Southern Africa
109Académie SOARGUI 🇬🇳

world leagues ranking

GUI0,1330,415+24CAF West Africa
110ASKO KaraTOG 🇹🇬

world leagues ranking

TOG0,1290,415+22CAF West Africa
111Vital'O FCBDI 🇧🇮

world leagues ranking

BDI0,1290,415+1CAF East Africa
112AzamTAN 🇹🇿

world leagues ranking

TAN0,1210,415+2CAF East Africa
113JamusSSD 🇸🇸

world leagues ranking

SSD0,1190,415+2CAF East Africa
114Remo StarsNGA 🇳🇬

world leagues ranking

NGA0,1150,415+3CAF West Africa

world leagues ranking

CHA0,1150,415+1CAF Central Africa

world leagues ranking

NIG0,1110,415+2CAF West Africa
117Power DynamosZAM 🇿🇲

world leagues ranking

ZAM0,1020,415-15CAF Southern Africa
118Deportivo MongomoEQG 🇬🇶

world leagues ranking

EQG0,1020,415+1CAF Central Africa
119East End LionsSLE 🇸🇱

world leagues ranking

SLE0,0880,415+3CAF West Africa
120Big BulletsMWI 🇲🇼

world leagues ranking

MWI0,0830,415+3CAF Southern Africa
121Red Star FC BanguiCTA 🇨🇫

world leagues ranking

CTA0,0810,415-12CAF Central Africa
122Saint Louis Suns UnitedSEY 🇸🇨

world leagues ranking

SEY0,0790,415+2CAF Southern Africa
123Police FC RwandaRWA 🇷🇼

world leagues ranking

RWA0,0720,415+3CAF East Africa
124Nsingizini HotspursSWZ 🇸🇿

world leagues ranking

SWZ0,0680,415+4CAF Southern Africa
125Alizé FortCOM 🇰🇲

world leagues ranking

COM0,0680,415+4CAF Southern Africa
126Elect-SportCHA 🇹🇩

world leagues ranking

CHA0,0680,415+4CAF Central Africa
12715 de AgostoEQG 🇬🇶

world leagues ranking

EQG0,0680,415CAF Central Africa
128Real BamakoMLI 🇲🇱

world leagues ranking

MLI0,0480,415-8CAF West Africa
129ZESCO UnitedZAM 🇿🇲

world leagues ranking

ZAM0,0450,415+5CAF Southern Africa
130Bo RangersSLE 🇸🇱

world leagues ranking

SLE0,0450,415+5CAF West Africa
131Singida FGTAN 🇹🇿

world leagues ranking

TAN0,0290,415CAF East Africa
132Saint George SCETH 🇪🇹

world leagues ranking

ETH0,0190,415-31CAF East Africa

world leagues ranking

ZAN0,0050,415+9CAF East Africa
134Al Merreikh JubaSSD 🇸🇸

world leagues ranking

SSD0,0020,415+9CAF East Africa

world leagues ranking

ZAM0,0010,415+11CAF Southern Africa
136Bahir Dar KenemaETH 🇪🇹

world leagues ranking

ETH0,0010,415+11CAF East Africa
137BumamuruBDI 🇧🇮

world leagues ranking

BDI0,0010,415-24CAF East Africa

CAF Super Cup 2024

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Ranking & Rating Pages