Chelsea F.C.
Chelsea F.C. ENGLAND 🏴
Chelsea F.C. ENGLAND 🏴
Europe - the KA Leagues & Club Ranking - the 4th quarter 2024.
Europe - the KA Leagues & Club Ranking - the 3rd quarter 2024.
Clubs Impact Ranking UEFA EURO 2024 The ranking shows what is the impact of clubs for the results of the tournament.
Europe - the KA Leagues & Club Ranking - the 2nd quarter 2024.
the KA Global Club Ranking Quarterly Rankings of 2024
Football Soccer Club Global World Ranking 2024 the KA the Kick Algorithms
Europe - the KA Leagues & Club Ranking - the 1st quarter 2024.
Clubs Impact Ranking Africa Cup of Nations 2023. The ranking shows what is the impact of clubs for the results of the African Football Championships.
Summary of the KA Football Club Global Rating - 4th Quarter 2023
Europe - the KA Leagues & Club Ranking - the 4th quarter 2023.
Summary of the KA Football Club Global Rating - 3rd Quarter 2023